Tuesday, April 15, 2008



Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hey LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just noticed there are comments, about the book! and even Nana made a comment in January! But I never did see it - cause at least on my computer, the comments don't automatically show up; you have to click on a link to get them. But, if you go into your "dashboard" and POST, they will be there bright shinin' for all to see. Did anyone else see the comments? -meg
Let me just say that I have not read the famous book yet. But I do believe if Carolyn picked the reading material it must surely rank up there in the heavens. And all ya'll non-participators are putting a shame stain on the Connor clan's coat of arms. Carolyn rules!!!

PS. (This is Adam sneaking into the Connor ladies room)
PPS. But its not like anyone's gonna know, cause no one seems to check this.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

what is going on with you guys?

Okay it is Feb 14 and where have you all been?
Has everyone read Snow Flower?

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Okay, so this has nothing to do with the current Connor Lady Book Selection, because I don't have a copy of it. However, this is a book suggestion.
In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez.
I got it from Momma for Christmas and am just a little over 1/2 way through, but think it would be a right fine book club topic. It kind of reminds me of the Poisonwood Bible in a way, as it's told from the perspective of these 4 girls and details their extraordinary circumstances growing up. All the girls have very distinct personalities, all tell their version of the events (growing up the the 50's in South America and the Dominican Revolution) in their own singular way. It's pretty good.
So just store that title way.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Is this the Chinese version of the C family?? I was just starting and was overcome by this paragraph.. "I faced Elder Sister who was four years older than I was. Although we slept in the same bed, I didn't get to know her well until....I was glad I wasn't looking in Third Sister's direction. I always told myself that since she was a year younger she was too insignificant for me to think about....We each wanted Mama to notice us. ...We each hoped we sould spend time every day with Elder Brother, since as the first son he was the most precious person in our family....sound somewhat familiar???..Amy, then this story would be yours...

Thursday, December 28, 2006

fancy that

cc,can't believe its happening. we are actually blogging. dance to the music. cornball