Friday, December 29, 2006

Is this the Chinese version of the C family?? I was just starting and was overcome by this paragraph.. "I faced Elder Sister who was four years older than I was. Although we slept in the same bed, I didn't get to know her well until....I was glad I wasn't looking in Third Sister's direction. I always told myself that since she was a year younger she was too insignificant for me to think about....We each wanted Mama to notice us. ...We each hoped we sould spend time every day with Elder Brother, since as the first son he was the most precious person in our family....sound somewhat familiar???..Amy, then this story would be yours...

1 comment:

maccythestar said...

Ouch. Can you believe they endured the footbinding? Lisa See is a Los Angelean whose grandfather was instrumental in starting LA Chinatown. I've read several of her books, including this one. She does meticulous research. Do you consider us "old sames"? I hope so. By the way, Carolyn, I am reading a new series of books by Jennifer Chiaverini called An Elm Creek Quilts Album, given to me for Christmas by Connor and James. She tells of adventures through American history (Slavery, civil War) from the perspective of quilters.